The Power of the Empath | Frequency Meditation

For those who are highly intuitive, easily read others, and have a heightened sense of the people and places that surround them.

As science confirms our vibrational universe, the power of frequencies is changing everything we know about our world.

Those with empathic abilities can feel those around to a heightened degree. This amazing ability often leaves people disoriented, fatigued or even completely depleted as the boundaries between themselves and others get blurred. Many with this amazing gift in an attempt to “help” others find themselves taking on others’ pain and burdens and absorbing things that are not their own. Many attract those with the opposite imbalance resulting in dysfunctional friendships, relationships and marriages with perpetually repeating patterns.

This special meditation designed for empaths uses the power of frequencies to help recalibrate this extraordinary gift so it can be used to strengthen, enhance and expand your essence to truly benefit you and those around you, helping you to:

  • Heighten awareness of where you end and others begin
  • Easily recognize and separate others’ distortions from your own
  • Release the need to save others or take on burdens
  • Observe from a place of non-judgement and unattachment
  • Hone your abilities without detrimental side effects
  • Utilize and expand this powerful gift to embody your ultimate potential

The Power of the Empath | Frequency Meditation

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$90 |
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Meet Mas Sajady

Unlocking Human Potential
Making the Impossible Possible

After three near-death experiences, Mas Sajady gained unprecedented knowledge and abilities with massive implications on human transformation and how life works. Along with a deeper understanding of the underlying physics of our universe which delves beyond the quantum, Mas is able to help people transform all aspects of their lives in record time with rapid and tangible results.


Mas refers to this knowledge and abilities as Xponential Intelligence (XI) and shares with the world the information needed to propel humanity to the next stage of its evolution.

Mas has helped tens of thousands around the world and has worked with business leaders, influencers, professional athletes, celebrities, royal families, and Fortune 500 executives from companies such as Capital Records, Starbucks, Facebook, Fox, Microsoft, FedEx, and many more. Mas also donates his time to assist schools, hospitals, special needs organizations, low income communities and others to help propel this global mission.

Transform Simply by Listening

Welcome to the World of Frequencies

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." ~ Nikola Tesla

After multiple near-death experiences, Mas Sajady gained amazing insight into the workings of our reality and the ability to “tap in” to individuals at the frequency level and help people transform all aspects of their lives in record time.


Not Your Typical Meditation

Mas works through frequency meditations in which he helps people access higher consciousness simply by listening. Similar to a tuning fork, you begin to resonate with the higher frequencies which may then initiate life transformation. You do not need to understand what is being said, or be “good at meditating”, and can even fall asleep.


Change as We’ve Never Seen It

Change may appear in all aspects of life from physical, emotional, relationships, health, and more. For most, old patterns, habits, beliefs and circumstances come up to clear. All that is needed is to simply observe what no longer serves you. As you stay centered in your body and observe, new opportunities, possibilities and choices may begin to appear. Because the power of your life is always in your hands, it is up to you to choose differently to confirm the changes that have been initiated.


As science confirms our vibrational universe, Mas Sajady is pioneering change from the inside out. As we transform at the frequency level, we can effortlessly create a life that reflects our new state of being.

Science From The Inside Out

EMOTO Institute Water Crystal Study with Mas Sajady:

In 2022, Emoto Institute conducted a water crystal study with Mas Sajady. Mas worked remotely for 15 minutes on the control water samples located in Japan from his home town Minneapolis, USA. The before/after results are shown below.

In each pair of photographs, the control water sample is shown on the left and the water samples exposed to Mas Sajady’s remote frequency work appear on the right.

Left: Water crystal before Mas Sajady's frequency work
Right: Water crystal after 15 minutes of Mas Sajady's remote frequency work

If human intention can have such amazing effects, the potential for frequency work of this magnitude to restore and restructure the mind and body are extraordinary. (The human body is comprised of up to 60% water…the human brain, kidneys, heart and lungs are approximately 80% and even bones are 25% water, according to Medical News Today).

Studies are currently under way to help quantify the spectacular results of this work and we encourage and appreciate all feedback, documentation or research opportunities to help further exposure to this life-changing work.


"I have been searching for this experience my whole life, not really knowing what it was that I was looking for…it has given me the chance to be who I am in my life. Thank you for truly empowering people!"*

~ Katherine

"Two decades of life coaches and counselors and 10 minutes with Mas was more life changing!"*

~ Connie L.*

"When I started working with XI my life completely dismantled. At the time I didn't think I would get through it - but now my life is better than I could ever imagine."*

~ Laura

"After just two sessions, I finished detoxing and started evolving into a stronger, healthier human being. Everything happened quickly…first my mind expanded, then my heart, and then my physicality. I finally feel this constant inner peace that I have longed for for quite some time. After a couple months…I now feel true freedom from within. It’s like a dream come true to be able to say this with utmost conviction. Thank you, Mas."*

~ Natasha

"The changes have been amazing. It’s hard to even put into words. But for the first time I feel like I am living. And I have only been doing this for 5 months."*

~ Meghan F.

I've been working with Mas for the past 7 years. He has absolutely helped me to become a more fulfilled human being. My anxiety and depression is gone, my income has tripled and I look 10 years younger than my real age."*

~ Brittany

“My health is coming back and food and sugar cravings are almost gone. I have been craving nature, water and healthy foods instead. I am seeing a brand new life appear right in front of me.”*

~ Jane O.


The Power of the Empath | Frequency Meditation

Instant MP3 Download

$90 |
Click to Register

Frequency Work and Detox

The process of frequency work can be very intense and may bring up deeply embedded patterns, feelings, behaviors and emotions as they clear. Many experience detox in which experiences get worse before they get better. Stay centered in your body and observe as these old patterns leave you. You are always in control of your life and the power of lasting change is your responsibility. As unwanted patterns surface, this is the chance to confirm the changes that are being made at the frequency level by observing and choosing differently. As you do this, you allow the opportunity for deep and lasting change rather than a surface level work around.

This meditation can be played as often as desired and can also be put on a loop at low volume in the background. This product is not meant to replace medical advice or treatment; please seek professionals when needed.